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Common Myths about Personal Injury Law in Iowa

A personal injury brings enough pain. There’s no need to amplify it with fear or misunderstanding about the claims process. If you’ve suffered an injury, you deserve a fair recovery. This can’t happen if you’re held back by misconceptions.

Pursuing compensation is up to you. As with any important decision, it should be an informed one. The best place to start is busting through the most common myths of personal injury law in Iowa. 

Myth 1: Personal Injury Cases Always Lead to Lengthy Trials 

Microphone on a podium, with woman preparing a speech in the background

Don’t buy the narrative that justice is always slow and expensive. 

The civil statute of limitations is generally two years from the date of your injury, but once the process begins, the average case settlement takes anywhere from two weeks to six months.   

The specifics of your case will affect the length of the process. Cases that go to trial take longer than settlements outside the courtroom. If your attorney advises you to take your case to litigation, it’s likely because the culpable party’s insurance company wants to give you unfair compensation. Lawyers well-versed in personal injury will work to get you a fair settlement, even if that means extending the time it takes by going to court. 

Myth 2: Insurance Companies Will Immediately Offer You a Fair Settlement 

The priority of the at-fault party’s insurance company is to pay you as little money as possible. Initial settlement offers will likely be low. They may even deny the validity of your claim. Your best interest stands in complete opposition to their goal: maximum profits.  

A dedicated personal injury lawyer will fight for you. They’ll give you the knowledge you need to face insurance adjusters. Some fight is often necessary to get the recovery you deserve. Personal injury attorneys know that and prepare for it. 

Myth 3: You Can File a Claim Whenever You Want 

There’s a time limit to when you can file a personal injury claim. For Iowa, it’s generally two years. Personal injuries are a traumatic event. There’s nothing wrong with waiting to determine what’s best for you after the injury. Just know that once that statute of limitations hits, you can’t make a claim.  

Therapy session

Having two years to file a claim may seem like plenty of time, but it may not be. If the statute of limitations is reached before the settlement, your case will likely go to litigation.  

Often people need to finish treating their injuries before they can reach a settlement. Beginning the legal process before the statute of limitations while also recovering from your injury may seem daunting, but it’s better than being wrongfully injured and receiving nothing for it. 

Myth 4: Only Catastrophic Injuries Deserve Compensation 

Lurking beneath a seemingly minor injury are some dangerous assumptions. The first is assuming the injury is actually minor. Whiplash from a fender bender might cause nothing more than a sore neck in the short term. But five years later, you might have chronic migraines from that accident.  

Even if an injury is truly minor, you still deserve compensation. Medical bills can rack up quickly.  

The damage might not be entirely physical. Psychological or emotional pain caused by the injury still deserves compensation.  

Don’t ever downplay or brush off injuries. This isn’t just a totaled car. This is your life.  

Myth 5: You Should Navigate Your Claim Alone 

The lone wolf path through the legal system is pockmarked with potential mishaps. Pursuing a personal injury claim by yourself is doable but not recommended. Nothing is ever guaranteed in the legal system. Though an inexperienced individual facing it head on will certainly experience heaps of stress.  

An attorney takes care of the legal side of a personal injury, leaving you the time needed to rehab. Plus, many accident victims see higher settlements when represented by an attorney. 

Your attorney can also help you with finding medical care, repairing property damage, and understanding your medical bills. A local injury lawyer will likely be well-connected with chiropractors, auto body shops, and other resources in your area, allowing them to help you in many aspects of your recovery.

Myth 6: Injury Victims and Their Attorneys Are Greedy 

There is nothing greedy about justice. If someone’s negligence causes you harm, you have legal rights. Money doesn’t reverse the damage done to you. The road to recovery may still be long. 

The claims process exists to give you a fighting chance at a full recovery. Most settlements don’t come from the pocket of the at-fault party, but from their insurance provider — i.e., billion-dollar companies.

Personal injury victims are rarely greedy or opportunistic—most are honest, hardworking people in the midst of a very difficult time of life. It takes courage to stand up for yourself.

Myth 7: Personal Injury Cases Make for a Quick Buck 

Personal injury claims require collecting evidence, moving at the pace of an often-over-worked court system, and negotiating with Scrooge-like insurance companies. These cases can be complex, and it takes time to unravel these complexities to get to the basic facts. 

It’s not a get-rich-quick scheme. Rarely do people win their cases and become instant millionaires. Successful claims often a to restore the financial position you would’ve been in had you not been injured.  

Justice won’t take forever, but it also won’t happen overnight. Consulting with an experienced personal injury lawyer will provide you with a grounded timeframe for your case.   

Myth 8: Pursuing a Claim Is Too Expensive 

A high price tag is a huge misconception with personal injury cases. Most personal injury lawyers work on a contingency fee basis — meaning they only get paid if you win your case.  

This means upfront costs, retainer fees, or other financial barriers don’t stop people from seeking justice. It’s a win-win arrangement where if you get a settlement, your lawyer gets a percentage of what the court grants you.  

No money will come out of your own pocket.  

An Iowa Personal Injury Attorney Can Help You 

You’ve been wrongfully injured in a car accident. You’ve suffered the wrongful death of a loved one. These are tragic events, made worse by the uncertainty of what comes next.  

The Advocates personal injury law firm has been helping people like you for decades. In your post-injury angst, we provide sound legal advice and expert representation. 

If you’re not ready to file a personal injury claim, that’s okay. Let’s start with a conversation. Our 24/7 free case evaluations give you a chance to speak with an attorney and determine what your next steps should be.  

Our office is in Des Moines. We advocate for everyone in Iowa. Contact us when you’re ready. 

Now begins your journey towards justice.